16 June 2011

My First Training Post

So here it goes, my first post to talk about my training. I am sticking to a plan similar to what I used last year for Leadville....lots of base miles with a handful of century rides to prepare for up to 12 hours in the saddle.  My rides are predominantly done in the evenings and on weekends when I am not engaged in work or work related activities.  On average, my rides are between 26 and 30 miles with my long weekend ones, so far, being around the 50 mile mark.  In a week or so I will hit my first 80+ ride.  And then the long ones will grow from there.
Tonight I rode just over 33 miles in an hour and 45 minutes.  I met a rider by the name of Blaine (Sp?) and pushed the pace with him for a couple miles - that's always enjoyable to try to stay with the "roadies" - NOT!  If you check the Blog Blaine, thanks and hope to see you on the trail again...it's always cool for someone to first meet me and ask, "Hey, aren't you that local guy that rode Leadville last year?"  Yup, that's me! 
My course is flat...yah, yah, yah, how does that prepare me for the mountains of Leadville...base miles.  That's what makes me work.  I have three weekends between now and race day that I will spend several miles in a hilly environment...in Northern Illinois around Dixon and Oregon and then in the Ozarks.  But lets not kid ourselves, we're not going to find mountians around here to train for out there...
I spend most of my time on the Bike Path between Chatham and Springfield as one "loop" gives me options for anywhere between 26 and 36 miles.  So, if you are out on the path and see me, join me or give me a shout...
That's all for now.  Ride Hard.

1 comment:

  1. Good one, Trent! I can't believe you're finding time to ride as much as you do!
