21 August 2011

My Final Comment for Today...

Let me share a few thoughts about this years experience with the LT100 race and Kailey's Krew Pedal of Hope.  This became more than a race against the clock or a challenge against the altitude and terrain.  There were things gained and things lost.  And the "race" started way before August 13th, 2011.  Let me start with some of the losses and end with the "Gains".

Things lost...
- I started my training weighing in at 165 pounds and "bulked up" from wrestling season and lots of time in the gym.  I checked my weight before we left for Colorado and was sitting at a thinned down 147 pounds.  Not sure exactly what I weighed after the race but I would guess it was closer to the 142-143 pound mark.  When we were back in Chatham, I checked and noted a stealthy 143 pounds!  Time to get back to the gym so my pants will stop falling off - is it wrong to be able to put pants on and off without unfastening the buttons?  Ha!

- Anyone see a selector lever for a Fox Rear-Suspension Shock?  It was blue in color.  Darn it!

- I still have the remnants of my July 3rd crash...where I lost several layers of skin from my hip and calf.  Not that I am looking to retrieve the old stuff but it sure will be nice if the new stuff could hurry up and finish "recovery"!

Things gained...
- A revitalized life as a Christian!  I'm now a teammate of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Endurance and will continue to grow as a Christian and a Christian athlete for the Glory of God!

- An incredible friendship in Gary and Shelli Wilmarth.  Although I've known them for many years, the last 3-4 months has grown our relationship and I couldn't be more fortunate to have such wonderful folks as my friends.  God Love Them!

- What's it really matter?  Does that make sense?  It's a simple question and one that I find myself asking often...to myself.  When something isn't going just right or something breaks or something changes my plan or my schedule, I simply adjust and continue on...."It is what it is" so why let it become an emotional or physical "issue"?  Life is good, life is short, and we simply need to stay focused on the big picture and not let the little things effect us.

- A renewed passion for cycling..."I want a new road-bike"!  There, I said it.  As much as I'd hate to admit it as a trail junky, now I want a road bike to capture the entire cycling experience.  Hmm, tour, tri, or race?  Choices...

What did it take to prepare for and then complete the LT100?  Miles of riding, lots of sweat, and tons of patience from my family and friends as they endured my ups and downs in preparations...from mechanical issues to physical issues to emotional twists.  But when it was over, I could only think about how good it all felt.  A little muscle fatigue but hey, after 103.84 miles (on my bike computer the course was a bit longer than 100 miles), everyone will have some fatigue.  Physically, I was ready to jump back on the bike the next day!  Emotionally, well, still haven't come down out of the clouds.  It feels awesome to be part of such a great cause.

And the biggest contribution to our "success"?  My Support Krew!  From keeping me fed with bananas, turkey slices, cold pizza, gels, and apple slices...some of which were mixed or combined (hey, until you have had "Banana Pizza", don't knock it)...to the humor, the positive outlooks, and the passion for our success, the Krew was more than could ever be asked for.  Thank you to all - Jandy, Ken, Jim, Dawn, Jenny, Todd, Celine, and "Bug"!  And to Julie, Alec and Brady, you guys are all-stars for enduring everything from the beginning to the end!  And a special thank you to Gary and Shelli!  We all appreciated you being with us and especially appreciate you letting us be part of your family!  Are you all ready for next year?  Smile!

Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Pedal Hard!


For 2012...

So, if I can qualify at a Regional Race or if I get lucky to be drawn from the race lottery again, what could be a new goal for the LT100 2012 race? 

Here are a few ideas to throw out there...

- This years' goal was to finish the race - period!  The race course got the best of me last year but this year had to be different.  I couldn't let it beat me!  Goal for 2012...finish under 9 hours?  It's not too unrealistic of a goal, is it?  2010 = Did Not Finish; 2011 = 11h08m18s; 2012 = 8h59m59s????

- I went solo for my first two races.  Why not take an entire team to Leadville in 2012?  A team of "Kailey's Krew Pedal of Hope" racers?  4, 8, 11 racers with the common objective to finish the LT100 - BUT TOGETHER, AS A TEAM!   Help me get the word out and let's see if we can put together a TEAM to take the challenge.

What are your thoughts?  Post a comment or send me an e-mail and give us some ideas.  In the meantime, check out the attached video of me in the 2011 LT100 Race...

  Enjoy the video and send me a note...thanks!

Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard!


Where Are We Now?

I'm back already but not because I forgot anything but because I didn't want my post to get too long and I wanted to keep the topics separate as well.

For starters, the GMS Cross Country Team and the GHS Volleyball Team joined Kailey's Krew Pedal of Hope and captured contributions and donations.  I have not seen personally seen the pledge sheets but I understand they raised approximately $1,700 for Kailey's Krew!  A big "Woo-Hoo" goes out to all team members and thank you so much for your efforts!

In addition, we have the following new members of the "Challengers"...

Harold and Barb Damron
Corinne Greis
Matt Brehm
Susan Coers
Robert & Jeanette Schuerman

Thank you so much for your contributions and support.

And with that, here's the latest on our fund-raising goal of $7,500...


We made our goal and then some.  And the donations continue to come in...will we see $10K?  Wow, wouldn't that be great? 

Coming soon, I'll post a complete roll-up of all members of the Challengers and of the Peloton.  Thank you again to everyone for your generosity, support, and encouragement!

Until the next "post", "Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard"!


A Week Has Past...

It's been a week since the LT100 Mtn Bike Race and things are settling down.  I returned to work and jumped right into a busy schedule. 

So, this week included zero riding time.  Took my bike to the shop and had fun setting it up for "display" with my jersey, finishers' medal, dirty shoes, and the race poster we presented to R&M Cyclery.  Alec brought everything home on Saturday and now we will being the clean-up, tune-up, and some possible upgrades over the next week or so before I get back to training and preparation for the next challenge of Kailey's Krew Pedal of Hope.  Endurance length races seem to be far and few between and every one I find is closed for new registration...but I'll keep searching and see what I can find.  Stay tuned for our next challenge!

So, was on our way to a movie last night when we noticed this truck with bikes and gear in the back and "Freedom 50/50" logo's on the side and rear.  As we sat at the stop-light, we used our smart-phones to check out their website in order to find out what they were doing.  Low-and-behold, a gentleman by the name of Max McManus is doing a very incredible ride.  He is riding a route that will put him in all 50 states in 50 days.  The fruits of his efforts are to go towards "The 9-11 HelpAmerica Foundation". 

Hmm, so there's this guy doing 50 states in 50 days.  How can I help?  Well, I called Max and after a nice conversation, I told him I'd join him on his ride today (Sunday)...and I did.  We met at their hotel in Springfield, met his support crew, and headed out to ride.  I was on my mountain bike (dirty and gritty still from Leadville) and Max was on his Trek Madone.  Yup, even though I was trying to crank up the pace as we rolled oout of Springfield, it was obvious I was holding Max back from his normal pace.  I rode with him for about 30 minutes and then we had a parting conversation and he put his head down and disappeared into the fresh morning breeze along "Old Route 54".  His first pit-stop will be in Pittsfield, IL for food and drink before he pushes off to his overnight destination in Missouri.  Max is doing an incredible ride for a great cause!  If you get a chance, go to http://www.freedom5050.com/ and follow his ride.  We wish you safe travels and best of luck, Max!  God Bless!

On a different topic, I did a little shopping yesterday.  Found a new belt for my LT100 buckle.  Woo-hoo, looks pretty cool!  Now I need to buy a pair of jeans that I can wear with the belt and buckle...looks pretty silly on the outside of my cycling shorts!  Ha-Ha!  Sorry, no pix of such a disturbing image!

Hope all are doing great and watch for additional updates...

Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard!  (Hey, quick note about the Krew in Leadville...what a crazy bunch!  So, not to be out-done by anyone, they created cheers and dances.  The finish-line cheer was awesome,  "He Saddled Up, Dug Deep, and Rode Hard!"  Thanks Krew!)


14 August 2011

He Finished!

Coming across the finish line waving the Pedal of Hope Krew shirt

After the race with Shelli and Gary

12 August 2011

Are You Ready?

"Are you ready?"  Been an interesting question I've heard over the past couple days and today provided me with plenty of opportunity to think about this question...I'll elaborate more in a minute.

So, we made it through a day of sign-in, registration, and support krew "set-up".  Was a busy day but everyone is settled in and ready to go.  Our very special guests, Gary and Shelli Wilmarth, arrived this afternoon.  We gave them a big welcome, were able to get them up Vail Mountain on the gondola, had some dinner, and now we're all settling in for the night...going to be an early start tomorrow!

We have new members of the Peloton to recognize:

Calvin & Jenny Deetz
Jerry & Rosalie Hartman

And we have new members of the Challengers to recognize:

Todd & Gen Missel
Dan & Mary Smith

Thank you so much for your support and welcome to the Krew!  We have reached $5,600 as of today.  We are less than $2,000 from reaching our $7,500 goal!

So, let me go back to the title of this "post"..."Are You Ready?"

Bike checked over, tuned-up, and ready?  CHECK!
Clothes packed for all conditions?  CHECK!
Equipment checked, packed, and ready?  CHECK!
Physically trained and prepared for the toughest 100 miles to ride?  CHECK!
Support Krew gathered and ready?  CHECK!
Carb loaded, Sodium Loaded, and hydrated?  CHECK!
Acknowledged that this is only the LT 100 and that I'm riding for a cause bigger than this race will ever become?  CHECK!
Asked God in prayer for the personal strength, the personal courage, and His power to help me accomplish the task before me?  CHECK!

Am I Ready?  Are You?

Tomorrow morning I will Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard!  Let the Glory be God's!


09 August 2011

On the LT 100 Course

Hello from Colorado.  All is going well here and I am hoping that my training and preparation is hitting "peak" at the right time.  Alec and I drove up to Leadville and rode 24 miles on the course.  Poor Alec is a true "Flat-Lander"...the slightest hills are avoided and those that he can not avoid are dreaded, cursed, and hated.  So, he enjoyed a part of the ride...the downhill part!  Ha-Ha!

We had a riding companion from New York with us.  This is his first time in the LT 100, drawn from the lottery.  Later in the day, while hanging out in Leadville, we ran into Mike and his family at the local bike shop, Cycles of Life.

We had six more members of the "Krew" arrive today...Jim, Dawn, Celine, Jenny, Ken, and Jandy.  We all headed out to dinner and now we're resting up for a busy day tomorrow. 

With the legs feeling good and as we are only a couple days from the race, the "training" will taper to some fun time on the bike...tomorrow we ride the gondola up to the top of the Vail Ski Mountain and then ride the tech trails down.  And we may possibly be hitting the tech trails located not far from the condos. 

We have gained another member of the "Challengers" team...
Joe Klinger
Thank you Sir!  Very much appreciated!

Here's a quick picture of Alec and I when we stopped along the course...how could you not stop to take in the scenery, huh?  Okay, when the clock is running against you I suppose!

Until my next "Post", Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard! 

08 August 2011

Last "Big" Ride

Holy cow!  Woke up this morning with the temps in the "cold range".  Had some breakfast (oatmeal, yogurt, and a banana), prep'd the bike (well, Alec took care of that part) and then headed out to ride the Vail to Copper Mountain route, and back.  Had a great ride of 45 miles round-trip. Had a couple great experiences during the ride to share with everyone. 
On the way to Copper Mountain and near the Vail Pass, I came across 2 riders who appeared to be helping a 3rd rider.  I stopped to see if they needed assistance.  And as bad as I am with remembering names, I do apologize to them.  So, the gentleman who seemed to be getting attention by the other 2 cyclists (okay, the lady's name was "Kat", I believe...maybe the rest will come to me as I write this) appeared a bit uncertain and having some discomfort.  Turns out he was having some dehydration issues and even some light-headedness. Water levels were a bit low for the 3 of them and I assumed they may not have had any sort of supplement to help.  So, I filled his water bottle from mine and added some "The Right Stuff" to assist with easing the cramps and help him get back to being able to finish his ride.  When he asked if he could give me anything for the help, I simply asked him to recover and enjoy his ride.  After helping out, I headed on my way and can only hope they made it fine as they were nowhere to be seen on my return trip from Copper Mountain.  My stop to assist made me feel pretty darn good and I can only say it was simply the Christian thing to do.

With only 12 miles or so left on my ride, I stopped at a familiar location to ask a couple riders to take my picture.  Same location I had a picture taken this time last year.  Talk about a small world...the two ladies were both from Illinois, currently living in the Chicago Suburbs.  Isn't that just crazy?  We shared a few stories and then we were on our separate ways.  Thanks for taking my picture for me, Ladies!
After getting back from my ride (over 3 hours in the saddle), I joined up with the family and we went for a walk around Vail Village, stopping in and out of shops.  Then we made it back to the condo to cook on the grill.  Followed up with some time at the pool...I think Julie will be posting some video's on Face Book of the boys being a bit nutty.

And finally, Todd and Cade Trautvetter arrived this evening - Todd drove straight through from Chatham!  Shauna wasn't able to join us on this trip but she spent a very special gift that I will be wearing when I ride...a pendant of St Madonna del Ghisallo, Patron Saint of Cyclists.  Thank you so much Shauna!  So, a big woo-hoo as the "Krew" is beginning to assemble! Tomorrow evening we'll have another six members arrive.
We have new members of the "Challengers" group.  A huge thank you to the following for your challenging pledges...

Brian and Melanie Tober
Doug and Beth Zimmer

I hope all are doing well and until next time, Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard! 


Getting Acclimated

Good morning from Colorado.  It is early morning here in Vail and the current temperature is 42 degrees.  The sun...okay it's actually only light from the sun as the Mountains block the Sun for another hour or so for us here.  But anyway, the daylight is creeping above the mountains and will start warming things up a bit for us.  Looks like we have a high of 68 degrees in the forecast.  We have some rain in the forecast for later this week but only at 20-30% chance.

We had an un-eventful trip out here over the weekend.  That is pretty much a good thing, right?  Temps were as high as 100 degrees as we drove through Kansas.  As we passed through Denver yesterday, though, temps started dropping into the low 80's and high 70's.  We finished the drive in the high 60's with the windows down and the great scent of hot brakes from the semi truck/trailers.  Woo-hoo!

Training has not been everything I had hoped for over the past few days but I will make up for it in the next few days and will be ready for the big race on Saturday.  I went for a quick spin to start getting the legs and body used to the change in altitude yesterday.  Was only gone for just over an hour but I wont kid you.  That was long enough to feel the burn.  Today should be a fun 50+ miler as I head down the trail, over the Vail Pass, down to Copper Mountain and then back to Vail.  Road distance is only 20 or so miles but trail distance and a few detour trails that I found last year will give me nearly 60 miles and some good altitude.

We have new members of the Kailey's Krew Peloton and Kailey's Krew Challenger families.
New to the Peloton are:
Laura Karpen
Julie Greer
The Voss Family
Lance Williams
Hannah Wilmarth
Donna (from Mt Morris - Sorry Donna, I didn't get your last name but send me a note and I'll make sure to get you mentioned in the Blog)

New to the Challenger family are:
Russ Lutkehus
Mark and Carol Humphreys

Thank you so much to everyone that has made a pledge and/or donation!  Your support is greatly appreciated!

And the update is in...we are just over the $5,000 mark in donations and pledges.  So close to our goal!  I hope the Blog keeps the pace and we continue to close on our goal...then I hope we push over the top and raise the bar!

Well, it's already 0630 here.  Time to get some oatmeal, a yogurt, prep the water bottles, check the bike, and then head out for training! 

Take care everyone and again, thank you for your support and words of encouragement!  Until next time, "Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard!"...there may not be a chance to ride tomorrow!


03 August 2011

Back on the Bike

Well, took a day off yesterday as R&M Cyclery had my bike for a day to give it a total "Go Over" to make sure it is ready for the big trip to Colorado.  Went for a ride tonight and "rode" the brakes quite a bit as we had new pads installed.  Seems like they are good to go now!  Not that I plan on using them in the race, though...ha!  I'll get one more spin on Friday before we make the long trek out to the Rocky Mountain State!  Then back into the groove on Sunday to get my legs loose and ready.

We have new members of the "Peloton" (contributions) to mention.  Annie Anderson, Rob & Linda Bauckham, Jenifer Johnson, and Greg & Roxanne Gardner have all joined the Peloton.  In addition, Jenifer Johnson is a member of the "Challengers" (pledge based on my race performance).

So, this morning, Gary and I visited with the Glenwood Middle School Cross Country Team.  Gary talked to them about the Kailey's Krew mission and I talked to them about the Pedal of Hope mission and the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race.  Kailey was XC Runner at GMS!  Welcome to Kailey's Krew GMS XC and best of luck with your 2011 season!

So, the trick is, can you find me amongst the kids?  When did 11, 12, and 13 year old kids get so darn tall?  Only reason they were asked to sit or take a knee was because you couldn't find me in the picture if they didn't.  Ha-Ha!

Will be on the road for work but will return with a Blog update Friday night, before we head west.  Until then...all together now, "Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard"!


29 July 2011

Minus 15 days until race day

Woo-hoo, I've been back in the saddle for two straight days now...about time, huh?

So, let's see, what's been going on?  For starters, Grandma is doing good.  Back home and back into her routine of gatherings with her close friends.  Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts!

Here is the latest additions to both the "Peleton" (those who have donated) and the "Challengers" (those that have pledged based on my performance)...

"Challengers" include:
Bob Elliott
Jim Kolba

"Peleton" includes:
Aspen Dental
Amy & Peter Bright
Lynne and Colin Tribble
Lyndsey May
Troy & Natalie Bell
Payton Cole

Thank you to everyone for your contributions...yup, I'm feeling sort of confident that even those that made a pledge are truly contributors because, "I'm Feeling Good!"  Ha! 
As of tonight, we have cleared the $3,000 mark (sorry Jandy, but need your help with the update - :)) and hopefully we are still climbing towards our goal of $7,500.  Only a couple weeks before the race so please help us spread the word and raise the bar.

Training is getting back on track now.  Had a good spin last night for 26+ miles to get the legs back.  Was a bit warm with some tasty humidity.  Tonight was even better.  The temps were down in the 80's with the humidity seemingly lower.  Cruised an easy 40+ miles in just over 2 hours.  Did a quick look at my training log and even though I had hoped to have way more miles than what's logged, I'm okay with just over 1,500 miles to date.  We've had a busy year in emergency management and of course, some wonderful Illinois weather (NOT!).  So, it is what it is...we'll still be ready!

My new tires arrived today.  Looking forward to putting the new Kenda tires on my bike.  Will wait until early next week before retiring the training tires to the recycle bin and starting the new knobbies.  Also got my new brake pads...going "organic" with the disc brake pads now!  Woo-hoo!  Okay, so I am really not sure what that means but my "live-in" mechanic (my son Alec) tells me that they are awesome.  Guess we'll find out this weekend, won't we?  Ha!

Well, that's about it for now.  I want to close with asking everyone to take a minute and say a prayer for Gary and Shelli and the entire extended Wilmarth family.  If you get a moment please share a comment with them.  And if you are lucky, some day you'll be fortunate to get to know them and realize how lucky you are to have made their acquaintance.  Love You Guys!

So, in traditional TNT Style, I close with simply reminding you that it is time to "Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard"...Kailey's Krew would expect it no other way!


26 July 2011

Taking Care of Things

Hey everyone, all is good here.  Sorry for the long wait for my next post.  Sometimes things come up that take priority and making sure Grandma was okay and back home safely was my latest mission over the past couple days.  All is well, thank you!

I've only managed one ride since my last post on the 21st.  I once again fell for the "no problem, you'll be fine" when I checked on joining a local group of riders.  This time I was in Sterling, IL, joining a group of riders at Meads Cycle Shop.  Yup, a group of "Roadies", again.  We had a good out and back for what I recorded as 42 miles.  The last 4 were the "loneliest" as I did end up getting dropped by the group...oh well, it was a good ride regardless and felt good.

Since my last post, we have gained a few more supporters of Kailey's Krew.  Joining the "Peleton" (donations to Kailey's Krew) include:

Russ and Melissa Thompson
Donald and Betty Gail
Aspen Dental

Thank you for joining the Peleton!  You are part of a great group and we truly appreciate your generosity!

As for donations, we're up to $2,300 raised so far.  We are doing great but could really use your help to reach our goal of $7,500!    

And finally, only 18 days until race day.  Only 11 days until we head to Colorado for the final week of training and preparation.  I've had a slight delay in meeting my training goals recently but will be hitting the trail hard and heavy over the next 10 days to get myself ready for the big day...

Stay tuned in and share the word about what we are doing. 

Until my next post..."Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard"!  Is there any other way?


21 July 2011

Making Progress

Happy Hot July Everyone!  Instead of be concerned with the 100+ temps we've had in Central Illinois this past week, remember the winter storm we enjoyed earlier this year or how about the current temps in Leadville, CO - 71 degrees as I write this compared to 94 degrees on my home thermometer.  Hmm, look out Colorado, here we come!

Let's start with the newest members of "The Challengers" and "The Peloton" group, Tommy and Emily Johnson.  Thank you for the donation and especially thanks for the pledge...I love the challenges!

As of today and what I have seen thus far, we have raised over $2,100 in pledges and donations for Kailey's Krew.  Closing in on our $7,500 goal but we still need your help. 

Even with the temps holding in the "HOT" category, training still must be done.  Over the past 4 days, I've had 3 rides.  Took Wednesday off as my bike was getting some mechanical attention from Alec.  Temps stayed in the 99+ range for all three ride days and I put in just shy of 100 miles total.  I wonder how much water I consumed?  At least 3 bottles per ride (pit stop at the house on one ride; Alec, Brady and Hannah met me on the course with refills on another ride) I believe.

Gary, Brady, and I had some fun on Wednesday morning.  We went to the WYMG 100.5 FM Radio station and had a great chat with Liz Willis on the Liz and Lynch morning show.  Heard from several folks who all said Brady was the hit of the show.  We are hoping to put a link to the sound byte on the blog soon.  Liz put a link to the blog on the radio website as well.

Have some plans for the weekend to get some good miles in but will tell you all about it in my next Blog post.  For now, I just want to remind everyone what Kailey's Krew - Pedal of Hope is all about and what we are trying to accomplish...
Pedal of Hope is going to complete a bike race in the high mountains of Colorado.  Simply that.  But more importantly, we want to raise awareness and funding for Kailey's Krew, a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing financial support to families in the Central Illinois area that are enduring the challenges of having a son or daughter suffering from a serious illness and undergoing lengthy and costly medical attention.


Pass the word and help us exceed our goal.

Thank you and God Bless!  Until my next post, saddle up, dig deep, and ride hard!


17 July 2011

Back Home

We made it back home after a long weekend in the Ozarks.  Had a couple opportunities to train and some opportunities to enjoy some friendly company from the local establishments in and around Lake of the Ozarks.  Before I chat about Ozark BBQ, I want to introduce the newest members of "The Challenger's"...those that have pledged to Kailey's Krew based on how many miles I complete in this year's Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race...

-Jim and Dawn Hartman

Thanks for raising the bar Jim and Dawn...make sure you have a good pen and a blank check ready to be endorsed to "Kailey's Krew"!  Woo-hoo!

So, we decided on barbeque Saturday night.  We went to Ozark BBQ and had a good time. We were all very impressed with the service!  For those that have visited the Blog daily, you probably already noticed that our server from Ozark BBQ beat me to the punch with a posting!  How awesome is that?  So...Thanks to Megan and staff at Ozark BBQ!  Not only is the food great but the atmosphere was wonderful.  And what's up with Megan?  We chatted a few minutes about "Kailey's Krew" and the "Pedal of Hope" and she was very interested.  Told me she would visit the Blog and wow, she not only visited, she was on the Blog before we could make it back to the house that night! 

A huge smile and thank you to Megan, the Ozark BBQ staff, and Megans' "Sisterhood", Alpha Delta Pi from Arkansas!  Send me a logo, Alpha Delta Pi, and I will put you on the Blog for the whole world to see...hey, we're up to 6 Nations and over 1800 views in about 4 weeks!  How awesome is that?

Hey Jandy!  I've set my goal for "Kailey's Krew"!  I want to raise $7,500 for Kailey's Krew!  I'm a long ways from my goal...not sure I'm up to $1000, yet...but that's okay!  Now that everyone knows my goal, maybe you'll kick it up and lend a hand.  I'm all about the pledges because that's just going to fuel my fire to ride faster and harder in order to give a little something back to a family with an ill son or daughter,  through the efforts of "Kailey's Krew"!

For those from the Springfield, IL or the surrounding area, stay tuned to WYMG (100.5 FM) on Wednesday, July 20th as Gary and I will be joining Liz on the "Liz and Lynch" show to talk about Kailey's Krew - Pedal of Hope"!  Liz doesn't know it yet, but we're going to have a good time!  Has anyone found me access to Conan O'Brien or Dave Letterman, yet?  Come on now, let's think big and go for big time!

Thanks for following and look forward to hearing from you!  Note my goal, watch for updates on how I'm doing towards reaching it, and help me out if you can!  Will be greatly appreciated!

In closing, I simply have to say, "HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY GARY WILMARTH!"  We love you "G-MAN"! 

With temperatures rising and the humidity thickening, I can only say, Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard...because the other guy isn't willing to push himself like you and I!  Be safe, see you on the trail, and God Bless!


15 July 2011

Ouch, It Still "Hurts"

Hey there everyone.  It's been a few days since my last post but I am sure you have enjoyed the suspense and are just all excited and giddy to see that I am back at it...???  No?  Yes?  Well, I hope so!

I had a couple days off due to the crazy weather and then was busy getting packed up for our long weekend trip to The Ozarks.  No excuses for not training but hey, I promise that when I am mounted on my ride, I push myself to make up for any "slacking".

So, we made it to The Ozarks on Thursday afternoon and it's a bit warmer down this way.  But before I get into my chat about the past couple days, I have some more important news to share...

As of yesterday, we gained a new supporter.  Curt Smith Sporting Goods has joined our Krew and in the next few days I will be adding thier logo to our Blog.  You'll be seeing more about them in future postings as well.  Thanks to Mr. Pat Dowling for your support and willingness to help us out.

And next, we want to make our first posting recognizing the "Peleton" of Kailey's Krew.  A huge thank you goes out to you for your donation to Kailey's Krew!  The newest members of the "Peleton" are:

Mark and Lori Beagles
Ken and Jandy Arnold
Craig and Brianne Rutherford
Greg and Jan Andersen
Anne Conwill

In addition to the "Peleton", we have another group that we'll call "The Challenger's".  The following folks have made a pledge, setting a minimum donation with a chance for it to grow based on my performance in the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race.  Newest members of "The Challenger's" include:

Frank Marcy
Marty Dwyer
Bill & Janet Zimmer

Thank you so much to those that have contributed and those that have pledged.  And please, if you have donated or pledged and I did not recognize you, send me an e-mail so I can add you to my next update.  We're new at this and are doing our best to track everyone so your reminder to us would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks again!

So, spending a 4-day weekend in the Ozarks sounds like a great time on the lake, boating, floating, and soaking up the rays, huh?  Yah, not exactly.  We arrived on Thursday and at 5:30 that evening, I was linked up with a group of riders at Oz Cycles on Bagnell Dam Boulevard in Lake Ozark.  Now, before I tell you about the "quick" ride, let me just give warning to the fat-tire riders out there.  When you call a shop and ask about group rides and they say, "Oh sure, you'll be fine" after you ask about whether a mountain bike will be fine with the roadies, well, that should be a warning.  Ha-Ha!

So anyway, what a great group of guys to ride with.  There were only six of us that decided to push the heat and humidity of the evening but none-the-less, a ride was had.  Umm, it was great sucking their dust and hoping I'd find them after each corner but they were great gentlemen as they would stop once in a while to make sure I didn't lose my way.  So, we finished the ride with just over 23 miles but it was like riding a speed-work "fart-lick" as we pushed speeds up to 28 miles per hour...hmmm, been a while since I've heard my knobbies make such a hummmm.  So, if you are ever traveling away from home and call the "local" bike shop to find a ride or riding partner, I hope your experience is as cool as that provided by Oz Cycles...I'll be back guys!  You're awesome and good luck with your racing season!  Everyone else that finds themselves near Lake Ozark must make a stop at Oz Cycles!!!!

Today saw the temps raise a bit more.  By the time I got out on the bike it was sitting right at 100 degrees with little to no wind.  I followed the same sort of "route" as when with the Oz Cycles krew but I stayed over in the Horseshoe Bend area.  Lots of up and down hills, some shade, and only warm winds blowing at any given time.  IT WAS HOT!  I pushed just shy of 27 miles today, went through 3 bottles of fluid, and yah, just felt sweaty-hot the entire ride.  But there was something sort of strange about this ride.  Everyone knows about food cravings, right?  So how about this for a craving while riding...a cold salad with "pea pods" on it.  That was on my mind for much of the ride.  What in the world?  "Pea Pods"?  Anyone have a story to match that one?  So, while at dinner at "Shorty Pants", I asked our waitress if I could get pea pods on my chicken wrap...she thought I was nutty.  And by the way, I didn't get pea pods on my wrap!  Ha-Ha!

So, not your typical idea of what to experience in the Ozarks but there are still a couple days to go and guess what, tomorrow morning has some boat time in the plans...that's right, brought the 20' kayak with us and I'll be on the lake for a couple hours of paddling before I head to Oz Cycles for directions getting me to the "tech trails" for some fun.  I'll post some pix tomorrow for all to enjoy.

And finally, the latest on the "injury"...still sore, still gross scabs and/or fresh skin, and still making it work.  Dr. Taylor (my chiro buddy) worked me over the other day and scolded me for not "taking care of myself"...come on "Doc", I crashed.  Not like I dumped my bike on purpose!  Ha!

That's all for now.  Until next time, saddle up, dig deep, and ride hard!  Life's too short for anything else!


10 July 2011

6 Days Later

Well, hadn't expected this but you know, it is what it is.  I wasn't able to get on the bike for six days after my crash.  But I did get back on and I'm making progress towards getting back to form and ready for the LT 100 Race. 

Friday was my first ride and it challenged my tolerance for discomfort.  I believe every muscle in my right leg (the one I tore up in my crash) spasmed or cramped on my first ride.  My lower back introduced me to muscles and areas that I had never known before, as well.  And my right arm was a bit reluctant to relax when my hand was on the bars.  At about 6 miles I was already thinking things would either begin to loosen up or I was going to be calling for a ride home.  I chose to expect the better of the two.  Well, at the turn-around, I was starting to question my decision but the good thing was that I was on my way home as opposed to being on my way out.  So hey, it obviously didn't hurt me too bad as I rolled into the driveway with 27 miles and a 17.3 average speed.  I wont go into the remainder of the night as I peeled a layer of skin from my hip or that I got up from the dinner table and could hardly walk...shew!

Saturday was a pretty hot day.  I set out for whatever I could get and felt pretty good that I managed just over 31 miles and my average speed stayed up as well.  Although, I was very sore and stiff during the ride.  I just kept telling myself that it will get better.

And then today.  Woo-hoo!  I rode the "Tour de Corn" sponsored by Wheel Fast Cycling in Chatham.  Before I talk about the ride, let me give my gratitude and praise to the volunteers from Wheel Fast and the Chatham Jaycees who supported the ride.  You guys were awesome and put together a class act of a ride.  Thank you! 

So, I headed out on the ride with my son, Alec, planning on riding the 62 miles with me.  Additionally, Gary Wilmarth and Todd Trautvetter were there and rode the 31 mile loop.  How awesome, huh?  Check out our picture...from left, Gary, Alec, me, and Todd. 

The course set out for us was pretty cool...not temp wise, though!  Temps were actually in the 90's with 100+ percent humidity.  Okay, no surprise, it's July in Illinois.  The ride went well, had a few moments when the hip gave me a fit but when it was all said and done, it was a good ride.  Met some great folks out on the course and enjoyed keeping company with them as we all enjoyed the radiating heat from the country roads and the warm winds out of the South...just added to the pleasure!  Ha-Ha!

So, I finished back at the house with 69.5 miles on the day and feeling pretty good.  Still pulling layers off of the hip but I'll deal with that as long as I keep improving on the bike.

We have over 1400 hits on the Blog thus far and five countries represented.  Hope to find out soon about how we are doing in raising funds for Kailey's Krew.  We'll give everyone an update as soon as we know.

The upcoming week will include riding Monday, Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday.  We hit the road first thing Thursday morning for Lake of the Ozarks where I'll get some great saddle time with some good climbs and terrain challenges.

Until my next post, dig deep, get back up, feel the burn, and love the ride because you can still ride!


06 July 2011

What Will You Give?

So today marks approximately 3 weeks of having the BLOG alive and well.  We've had over 1,000 visits to the BLOG so far.  For those that have watched from the beginning, you've seen it go from a simple black and white posting (my attempt) to being filled with pix, links, posts, and gadgets...all thanks to my Sis, Jandy.

But with 38 days until the big race, not only is my training becoming more intense (well, once I am back on two wheels) but now we need to step up our focus on earning support to Kailey's Krew.  Kailey's Krew is a not-for-profit organization and one of our goals is to be able to provide financial support to families that find themselves enduring the hardships associated with having a child dealing with a serious illness.

Remember that number, 1,000+?  Imagine if each of those 1,000+ individuals made a donation of just $10 to Kailey's Krew?  Unrealistic?  Yah, probably so, since I'd venture to guess there would be several out there willing to give $25 or even $100 to Kailey's Krew.  But staying focused on the $10 donation would still have brought $10,000+ to Kailey's Krew.  That is some significant support to families when they have more important things to think about or worry about. 

Did anyone get to see our article in the June 30th issue of the Chatham Clarion?  Oh, and stay tuned for coverage on WICS-Springfield evening news in the near future - yup, we have an interview appointment tomorrow!  So, what about a Corporate, Business, or Organization Challenge?  What if your organization, corporation, or business decided to make a donation?  And when you do, we let everyone know during one of our interviews, broadcasts, or stories?  And wouldn't it be cool to see your logo on our Blogspot?  And even more cool for another 1,000 visitors to this Blogspot to see your name or logo as related to your donation...

I'm not sure how else to make my plea to you to donate or make a pledge on behalf of the Pedal of Hope in support of Kailey's Krew, but I hope you read this post and hear my voice.  And know that 100% of all funds received, go to Kailey's Krew.  All costs associated with the team going to Colorado are our personal costs and will not be supported by funds raised for Kailey's Krew.

So, step it up and make a donation to Kailey's Krew and don't forget to write "Pedal of Hope" on the memo line.  Or send an e-mail to the address shown to the right of this Blog and make a pledge based on miles I'll complete, time I'll finish, or simply based on whether I will finish or not...make it a challenge!

Until next time, ride hard!


Slight Distraction

Today makes day 4 of not getting out for a training ride and jeepers, it is driving me nutty.  Hopefully things will be better and I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow...I have to be, 5 days without a ride will push me over the edge...ha-ha!

So, as you have probably put it together, the little scrapes are giving me fits.  I did go to work yesterday but had to wear shorts as the hip and lower leg scratches were still a bit raw and I wasn't sure trousers would be a good thing.  Glad I did so but by time I got home last night, I was very stiff and sore.  So, opted not to ride. 

My schedule for today had me on the road and wearing trousers.  Before I made it 20 minutes, my trousers had already rubbed my calf area enough to start some leakage from the scraped area.  So, I had to cover it up for the day.  I made it home a few minutes ago and wow, what being covered for the day can do to a scrape...looks like raw meat again and some serious drainage.  So, I'm sidelined for yet another day.

Well, maybe this makes the challenge even more interesting now.  Anyone out there willing to up the ante on whether I will finish this ride or not?  Anyone thinking this set-back is going to cause me to fall a bit short in this endeavor?  Hmm, I still think you are wrong!  But I'll let you make the first move...

Stay tuned for more from me real soon...

02 July 2011


Well, today's training ride did let me enjoy the 100 degree temps with the great Illinois humidity.  And I did consume my fluids as directed.  Just didn't quite get the miles I had hoped for...fell short by about 45 or so!  Literally! 

Check out the pix posted on the Blog.  I titled them First Skid of the Season as they are great pix of the road rash on my thigh and outer calf.  YUP, you guesses it, I went down today.  I got a little too much speed into a sharp turn on the bike path and the tires couldn't hold the grip as I took an extreme line into the corner.  Pretty much a knuckle-head move on my part.  My forearm and knee are bothering me more than the skinless areas of my thigh and lower leg but hey, didn't someone once say, pain is only reminding you that you are alive and well?  Who the heck?  Ha-Ha!  Life is Great!

So, after 35 miles and some wonderful road-rash to show off for it, looks like I'll have to re-think my training plans for the rest of the weekend.  I will be back out there tomorrow, guaranteed!

Can someone tell me, is it better to cover up the raw areas or let them breathe?

We hope to have figured out a tracking process and will let everyone know soon...I'm talking about tracking "pledges".  I have folks that are pledging based on my mileage completed and some that are pledging based on how fast I finish...Any ideas or experience with this out there?  Any advice will be great.  As a side-bar, just want those to know that are pledging based on distance I complete...bring out the checkbooks cuz I am going all the way!!!!

Gary and Shelli, I hope your trip out East is going well.  We'll catch up when you get back!


Feel the Heat

So this is a first for me...posting to the blog BEFORE I go for a ride.  Told myself o get up early today and get a good long ride before it gets too hot.  Didn't do so well with that now, did I?  I'm sitting here watching stage 1 of the Tour de France and keeping an eye on the thermometer as it continues to rise.  Looking at 92 degrees already and it's just 0930.  Will be an hour or so before I saddle up so I guess today is going to be a great test of my hydration practices...stay tuned to find out how it went!


30 June 2011

Last June 2011 Ride

So, I finished the month of June with a 54 mile ride in just over 3 hours.  Felt great through-out the ride.  Brady met me along the route with some water at about 29 miles and then at about 47 miles Julie and Brady met me for a refill again...I had been out of fluids since about my 41 mile mark.  Seems like I am consuming a lot of fluid but one of my bottles had some issues so in that 12 miles I only had one bottle to sip from...
So, what sort of critters would one expect to see in Central Illinois when riding?  Deer?  Yup, plenty of deer sightings every ride.  Rabbits and Squirrels?  Of course.  Turkeys?  Yup, see the same pair in the same general vicinity on each ride.  Snakes?  Well, unfortunately I've had my share of snakes along the route...yuck!  Lions, Tigers, Elephants, or Monkeys?  Not exactly.  So, what about a Ferret?  Seriously, would one ever expect to see a Ferret in Springfield or Chatham, Illinois?  Well, as serious as could be, I witnessed a ferret and there were a bunch of birds giving it heck.  That may end up being the nuttiest thing I could see during a ride!
We were published in the Chatham Clarion today.  We have a great 1/2 page article and picture on page 6.  And to get us a bit more excited, we (Gary and I) will be meeting with Trey Paul from WICS-Springfield some time next week and hopefully be on the morning show and in the evening news.  Now if we could figure out how to get The Today Show, The Regis and Kelly Show, and Good Morning America to do a piece on Kailey's Krew!  That would be pretty cool!  Anyone know Conan O'Brien?  Ha-Ha!
So, in June I was able to get on my bike 17 times this month.  On two of those rides I encountered flats and after fixing the flats, cut my rides short...one of which I ended up with a double flat and ended up throwing the tire into the recycle pile.  With that, I still managed 587.89 miles for the month.  I'm good with that.  Hopefully I wont be overly busy in the month of July with work-related issues...natural disasters, man-made disasters, etc. and will be able to ride on 20+ days.  I know I have a few trips planned for both work and family that will allow me to hit some good hills and add the miles.  Woo-hoo!
I want to close with a thought or two of what this blog is really all about.  My participation in the Leadville 100 is just a small endeavor in the scope of what Kailey's Krew is all about.  Kailey's Krew is focused on building a foundation of "Hope" for those families that may have the unfortunate experience of going through a trying time with a sick child.  Our way of providing a sense of "Hope" is to be able to provide that family with some financial assistance and hopefully relieve some of their stress...allowing them to focus on what is really most important, the health and wellness of their child and the family.
And finally, I want to simply say that I can not begin to describe how this simple idea to do this race in support of Kailey and Kailey's Krew has become such an all-encompassing thing for me.  My family, both immediate and extended, has grown together and this truly is a "WE" or "OUR" mission as opposed to me or I.  God truly does do things that many times we do not understand or may not agree with or believe in, but as we step back for a second and take a different view through a wider lense, well, it may not yet make sense, but there is a purpose and a reason and one day we will understand.  Kailey has already touched so many of our lives and will continue to do so...even for those that had never been fortunate to have met her or her family.
Dig Deep, Ride Hard, Stay Strong, and once again, when you think it hurts, it doesn't.  That's just a reminder that you are alive and well and it's time to suck it up and give some more!

28 June 2011

Saddle Time

It's been a good couple days in the saddle.  Each day seemed to get by me as I didn't get to start the last couple rides until later in the evening.  But regardless, I still managed to get a couple good training rides completed.  On Monday I put a couple hours on the bike and finished with about 37-1/2 miles.  Felt pretty good out there and temps were not bad.  Enjoyed seeing all the deer out along the country roads but the turkeys seemed to have moved on from their "hang-out" along the bike trail.  And for all of the support krew, yes, I drank all of my fluids during my ride!
Tonight was another late start but rewarding none-the-less.  I rolled into the driveway just at 2 hours and 40 minutes in the saddle and 46 more miles warn on the tires.    With two more evenings left to get some riding yet this month, I could reach 530 total miles for June - not bad considering how many days I couldn't ride due to work and the weather.  Speaking of which, the weather has turned for the better lately and you sure can tell by the increase in riders, joggers, and walkers along the bike trail.  Not necessarily big-city traffic jam stuff but still lots of movement on the trail.  It's all good, though. 
So the other day we got some really awesome news.  We have one more member to our Krew going to Colorado...THE Gary Wilmarth will be joining us!  Wow, how awesome is that?  Gary, we are all really excited about having you join us.  Giddy-Up!
If you've been visiting the BLOG, you have probably noticed the updates and changes.  Just want to give a BIG Thanks to my Sis-In-Law, Jandy!  You're awesome and I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate all you've done to get this thing to where it is now.  Keep up the great work and hey, what are you doing now?  Get back to it, I'm sure there is something else you can update or change.  Ha-Ha!
And finally, as of this morning, there were over 600 hits to the blog to include hits from viewers in Germany, Turkey, and Malaysia.  How cool is that?  How many countries can we see views from? 
Have a great evening/night!  Until my next post, Saddle Up and Dig Deep!  It only hurts for a minute and when it seems to hurt longer, rub some dirt on it!

26 June 2011

Long Weekend

Hello everyone.  The weekend has come to an end with a few miles to talk about.  I had a 3-day weekend to ride and I am pretty greatful considering the weather wasn't very cooperative.  On Friday I headed out thinking of 30 miles or so and well, just sort of kept going a little longer.  I stuck with the country roads and just took one turn after another.  It was great.  I made it home in just under 3 hours and had plenty of time left in the evening to spend time with the family.  I finished with just over 50 miles and I felt great afterwards.
Saturday was going to be one of those days that the mileage and time in the saddle would be dictated by the weather.  I didn't get going until closer to noon as we spent the morning trimming the hedges and bushes in the landscape.  Hey, drive by some day and look at the cool elephant on a merry-go-round I trimmed into the huge cedar tree...okay, just kidding!  That would be pretty cool though, wouldn't it?  So, I headed out and had a great ride going until the weather changed rapidly, as I rode the last 8.5 miles in the rain.  Things got more interesting later that evening as the "monsoon" swept through Chatham.  It was crazy.  I'm not sure how long it rained or how much rain we accumulated but things are still rather soggy around here.
With things a bit wet and having stuff to do, I didn't get on the saddle on Sunday.  So, my weekend wraps up with 83 miles ridden.  Not a huge mileage weekend as I had hoped but that's okay.  I'm currently hovering around 400 miles for the month with four more week-nights to add the mileage.  Maybe I can get to 520 miles by the end of this week.  That's only averaging 30 miles each evening.  And then I'll start a new monthly log on Friday with July already here.
So, I've spent some effort towards getting the word out.  I have business cards that I am carrying around and giving out as often as I can, simply giving the blog url with our logo on the card.  We alos have a story we sent to the local newspaper and we've reached out to one of the local radio stations and TV news stations.  So, we'll just see how it goes for us.
Well, have to go for now.  Will try to post an update each evening, after I get off the bike.  Let's hope the weather clears up and gives me some opportunity to ride without getting soaked.
To all my fellow cyclists out there, keep the cranks spinning and the wheels a turning.  Dig Deep!


23 June 2011

Loving the Weather

Hi everyone!  Well, the weather continues to keep me guessing and today it pulled a fast one on me.  I opted to hit the gym instead of the trail and low-and-behold, we didn't get the rain that the skies seemed to threaten us with through the afternoon/evening.  It's all good, though.  I still have to keep some upper body strength and after experiencing last years race, I know hamstring, hip-flexor, and core strength are critical.  I had no idea going into last years race that I would spend time off the bike, pushing it up steep grades.  But imagine being in a huge pack of riders starting a climb and someone up front dismounts, causing a chain reaction.  Before you know it, we're all pushing our bike up the climb section.  Add stiff cycling shoes to the mix and wow, what a hamstring, calf, and hip-flexor burn!  So, as part of my gym work-out, I spend 30-45 minutes running a 5.5 to 7.0 pace at an incline of 15.0 on the treadmill.  I have no idea how all of that translates to the real-world but jeepers, it sure does hurt.
So, instead of talking about tonights ride, how about I tell you about my friend, Gary Wilmarth.  A bunch of years ago I moved to Chatham and wanted to help with the wrestling program since that is what I enjoyed and as a Dad, well, you know how we always sort of steer our kids towards our own passion.  So, I joined the coaching team and within a year or so, was fully engaged.  Initially, I didn't venture too much into the HS practice as I was the new guy but I'm not sure there were many HS meets that we missed as spectators.  Over time I became more a part of the entire program and more a part of the wrestling family.  And there is Gary, a family member and supporter.  Wow, what a incredible person.  A wealth of knowledge in wrestling but most impressive is his most spectacular means of communicating with young teenagers.  Those that have or are coaching know what I mean when I say that sometimes we are challenged with communicating with our young athlete.  But Gary has always made it look so easy.
I observe and learn from Gary over the years and through my ventures coaching the Kids Club as well as on the mat as an IHSA Official, Gary is always there to lean on, learn from, and simply have comfort in knowing that he will always find the positive to whatever the experience.
And the day comes to learn of Kailey's challenge.  This thing called leukemia.  With two kids of my own, I couldn't imagine what it woud be like.  But there is Gary...finding the positive in challenge, looking ahead, and knowing that there is a greater purpose for everything.  Gary has inspired me for many years and through many ways.  And most recently, when I found friendship and a place within the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, I have to give great credit to Gary for helping me see from a better perspective.
So here I am, looking forward to this little thing called the LT 100 Mountain Bike Race, with huge expecatations to raise awareness and gain support to the Kailey Wilmarth Foundation.  And I am only believing that what I am doing is just a rung in the ladder towards greater things to come of the Kailey's Krew efforts. 

22 June 2011

Another Day...

Hey everyone!  Wednesday has come and gone and I only manged a short training ride.  It's all good, though.  Had some great help from Mother Nature!  Seems every turn we made put us into confrontation with yet a stronger and more aggressive head wind.  It was great.  Alec enjoyed sitting in my draft and acting like it was tough.  I think he does it as a way to build my pshyche...pump me up, cheer me on, or simply to make me suffer!  Ha-Ha!
We only rode about 18 miles tonight but we pushed hard and enjoyed our company.
So, we're hoping for some cooperation from the weather over the next few days.  Have plans to get over 150 miles over the weekend, as well as a few hours on the lake with the kayak...if I can get it away from Alec and Hanna!  Ha-Ha!
Unitl my next post, remember to ride hard, feel the pain, enjoy it, and be ready for the next ride...DIG DEEP!


20 June 2011

I'm Back...

Hey there everyone.  Sorry for the disappearing act since my last post to the Blog.  I was out for the weekend attending a class for work.  Unfortunately it didn't allow me any time to train but it's all good.  A couple days of rest never hurts...does it?  Besides, now I am HazMat Ops certified?  Hmm, that and a $1.50 might just get me a small cup of juice at the local diner!  Ha-ha!
I was back at it this afternoon/evening.  Put in 44 miles and about 2 hours and 45 minutes or so in the saddle.  Juls got to practice her "support crew" requirements as I was completely out of fluids at about the 1 hour and 30 minute mark.  She managed to find me out in the country and we did the continuous movement water bottle fill...it's a pretty cool move, maybe we will demonstrate it some day and post a short video...or not!
Hey, quick note about some of the other support.  I stopped by the shop today and we finalized the new team jersey.  I think it will be pretty darn awesome.  Thanks R& M Cyclery and all the crew there!  You guys are awesome!
So if you are wondering about the "sponsors"...let me start with FCA Endurance.  Sort of found FCA Endurance through another search.  Kailey was an active member of the FCA program and FCA has been a very big part of the Wilmarth family for many years.  In addition, my boys have been active participants of the programs in their respective schools and so I thought I'd reach out and check into getting involved and getting FCA involved with Kailey's Krew Pedal of Hope.  Long story shortened...now I am a member of the FCA Endurance Team and after a few messages with Chris Anderson and Joseph Dannelly, I am looking forward to my work with FCA Endurance not only as I prepare for this race but for what it will be afterwards.
One more acknowledgement...The Right Stuff!  So, if you've looked at my previous postings, you may have picked up on my problem I was encountering with dehydration. Yah, not fun.  So a representative of The Right Stuff attended our Adventure Racing Camp (I race with High Profile Adventure Racing) and talked about their product.  I decided to give it a try as Leadville, the 2010 Berryman, and then even training rides were starting to show a trend of dehydration-related problems...cramping is not fun!  Thanks David Belaga and I look forward to a long relationship with The Right Stuff!
And finally, one more thought before I sign-off for the night.  To Gary and Shelli, I say thank you for letting me part of Kailey's Krew.  It's such a small thing that I am doing here but I hope it has huge impacts.  We love and admire you guys greatly and our prayers and thoughts are always with you!
So until next time, saddle up, ride hard, feel the burn, and when you wake up the next day, do it again!


16 June 2011

My First Training Post

So here it goes, my first post to talk about my training. I am sticking to a plan similar to what I used last year for Leadville....lots of base miles with a handful of century rides to prepare for up to 12 hours in the saddle.  My rides are predominantly done in the evenings and on weekends when I am not engaged in work or work related activities.  On average, my rides are between 26 and 30 miles with my long weekend ones, so far, being around the 50 mile mark.  In a week or so I will hit my first 80+ ride.  And then the long ones will grow from there.
Tonight I rode just over 33 miles in an hour and 45 minutes.  I met a rider by the name of Blaine (Sp?) and pushed the pace with him for a couple miles - that's always enjoyable to try to stay with the "roadies" - NOT!  If you check the Blog Blaine, thanks and hope to see you on the trail again...it's always cool for someone to first meet me and ask, "Hey, aren't you that local guy that rode Leadville last year?"  Yup, that's me! 
My course is flat...yah, yah, yah, how does that prepare me for the mountains of Leadville...base miles.  That's what makes me work.  I have three weekends between now and race day that I will spend several miles in a hilly environment...in Northern Illinois around Dixon and Oregon and then in the Ozarks.  But lets not kid ourselves, we're not going to find mountians around here to train for out there...
I spend most of my time on the Bike Path between Chatham and Springfield as one "loop" gives me options for anywhere between 26 and 36 miles.  So, if you are out on the path and see me, join me or give me a shout...
That's all for now.  Ride Hard.

I'm Here...

Hello everyone!  I know there are a few followers now but I also believe that there will be many to come.  So let me start with telling you of what this is about..."Clif Note" version, of course...

The Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race is a real butt kicker!  It's been around since 1983, it's popularity has grown over the years (it's a lottery draw to get in), and it's now my stage for raising awareness, faith, and financial support to the non-profit organization, Kailey's Krew Foundation.

Over the days I will tell about how you can engage and be part of our endeavor as well as provide you with random thoughts...hey, it's our blog and I can do that. 

For now, I ask you to think about how you can help...if I finish the race, would you contribute a certain amount; if I finish within 12 hours, would you increase the donation; and if I finish in under 9 hours, would you make a significant contribution to the mission of Kailey's Krew?

I failed in 2010 but I promise to succeed in 2011.  Do you have what it takes to support me, challenge me, and give me the drive to reach Our Goal?  Lay-out your challenge and let's just see where we can go together...

There will be daily posts and I promise to keep you entertained. But let me warn you, I have a mission and a vision, and I will succeed...to date, I've ridden over 750 miles (since March 2011 all on a knobby-tired mountain bike) and my goal is 750 miles per month.  I only have 60 days until race day but hey, good luck keeping up...

I have a mission.  I have a vision!  Dig Deep!  Ride Hard! 


15 June 2011

Behind the Scenes...

Not much going on that you can see on this blog, but we're working behind the scenes to get it up and running.  Too bad Mother Nature gets in the way, causing computer failures or lots of work for Trent in his real life job!  I'm working on the computer side and you'll hear from me, Julie and more of the family in the weeks to come.  We've got a great support team lined up for the race in August!  More on that later...

Training continues for Trent; I don't know how he can do those really long rides!  I'm working on him to provide us with more training updates so you can see the amount of time and physical effort he has to put in this endeavor. 

All for now, have a great day!

02 June 2011


...to Kailey's Krew - Pedal of Hope BLOG.  We appreciate your visit and ask you to stay tuned for updates in the very near future.  For now, train hard, ride strong, dig deep, and keep up the hope!