17 July 2011

Back Home

We made it back home after a long weekend in the Ozarks.  Had a couple opportunities to train and some opportunities to enjoy some friendly company from the local establishments in and around Lake of the Ozarks.  Before I chat about Ozark BBQ, I want to introduce the newest members of "The Challenger's"...those that have pledged to Kailey's Krew based on how many miles I complete in this year's Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race...

-Jim and Dawn Hartman

Thanks for raising the bar Jim and Dawn...make sure you have a good pen and a blank check ready to be endorsed to "Kailey's Krew"!  Woo-hoo!

So, we decided on barbeque Saturday night.  We went to Ozark BBQ and had a good time. We were all very impressed with the service!  For those that have visited the Blog daily, you probably already noticed that our server from Ozark BBQ beat me to the punch with a posting!  How awesome is that?  So...Thanks to Megan and staff at Ozark BBQ!  Not only is the food great but the atmosphere was wonderful.  And what's up with Megan?  We chatted a few minutes about "Kailey's Krew" and the "Pedal of Hope" and she was very interested.  Told me she would visit the Blog and wow, she not only visited, she was on the Blog before we could make it back to the house that night! 

A huge smile and thank you to Megan, the Ozark BBQ staff, and Megans' "Sisterhood", Alpha Delta Pi from Arkansas!  Send me a logo, Alpha Delta Pi, and I will put you on the Blog for the whole world to see...hey, we're up to 6 Nations and over 1800 views in about 4 weeks!  How awesome is that?

Hey Jandy!  I've set my goal for "Kailey's Krew"!  I want to raise $7,500 for Kailey's Krew!  I'm a long ways from my goal...not sure I'm up to $1000, yet...but that's okay!  Now that everyone knows my goal, maybe you'll kick it up and lend a hand.  I'm all about the pledges because that's just going to fuel my fire to ride faster and harder in order to give a little something back to a family with an ill son or daughter,  through the efforts of "Kailey's Krew"!

For those from the Springfield, IL or the surrounding area, stay tuned to WYMG (100.5 FM) on Wednesday, July 20th as Gary and I will be joining Liz on the "Liz and Lynch" show to talk about Kailey's Krew - Pedal of Hope"!  Liz doesn't know it yet, but we're going to have a good time!  Has anyone found me access to Conan O'Brien or Dave Letterman, yet?  Come on now, let's think big and go for big time!

Thanks for following and look forward to hearing from you!  Note my goal, watch for updates on how I'm doing towards reaching it, and help me out if you can!  Will be greatly appreciated!

In closing, I simply have to say, "HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY GARY WILMARTH!"  We love you "G-MAN"! 

With temperatures rising and the humidity thickening, I can only say, Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard...because the other guy isn't willing to push himself like you and I!  Be safe, see you on the trail, and God Bless!



  1. Gotcha covered on the goal measurement, T! Just tell your accountant to keep me updated...

    By the way, we didn't practice the hydration pass and I'm getting worried now. What if I drop the bottle???

  2. Awesome job on the radio this morning guys! But I must admitt...I think that Brady "Cool Cat" Thompson stole the show!!
