21 August 2011

My Final Comment for Today...

Let me share a few thoughts about this years experience with the LT100 race and Kailey's Krew Pedal of Hope.  This became more than a race against the clock or a challenge against the altitude and terrain.  There were things gained and things lost.  And the "race" started way before August 13th, 2011.  Let me start with some of the losses and end with the "Gains".

Things lost...
- I started my training weighing in at 165 pounds and "bulked up" from wrestling season and lots of time in the gym.  I checked my weight before we left for Colorado and was sitting at a thinned down 147 pounds.  Not sure exactly what I weighed after the race but I would guess it was closer to the 142-143 pound mark.  When we were back in Chatham, I checked and noted a stealthy 143 pounds!  Time to get back to the gym so my pants will stop falling off - is it wrong to be able to put pants on and off without unfastening the buttons?  Ha!

- Anyone see a selector lever for a Fox Rear-Suspension Shock?  It was blue in color.  Darn it!

- I still have the remnants of my July 3rd crash...where I lost several layers of skin from my hip and calf.  Not that I am looking to retrieve the old stuff but it sure will be nice if the new stuff could hurry up and finish "recovery"!

Things gained...
- A revitalized life as a Christian!  I'm now a teammate of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Endurance and will continue to grow as a Christian and a Christian athlete for the Glory of God!

- An incredible friendship in Gary and Shelli Wilmarth.  Although I've known them for many years, the last 3-4 months has grown our relationship and I couldn't be more fortunate to have such wonderful folks as my friends.  God Love Them!

- What's it really matter?  Does that make sense?  It's a simple question and one that I find myself asking often...to myself.  When something isn't going just right or something breaks or something changes my plan or my schedule, I simply adjust and continue on...."It is what it is" so why let it become an emotional or physical "issue"?  Life is good, life is short, and we simply need to stay focused on the big picture and not let the little things effect us.

- A renewed passion for cycling..."I want a new road-bike"!  There, I said it.  As much as I'd hate to admit it as a trail junky, now I want a road bike to capture the entire cycling experience.  Hmm, tour, tri, or race?  Choices...

What did it take to prepare for and then complete the LT100?  Miles of riding, lots of sweat, and tons of patience from my family and friends as they endured my ups and downs in preparations...from mechanical issues to physical issues to emotional twists.  But when it was over, I could only think about how good it all felt.  A little muscle fatigue but hey, after 103.84 miles (on my bike computer the course was a bit longer than 100 miles), everyone will have some fatigue.  Physically, I was ready to jump back on the bike the next day!  Emotionally, well, still haven't come down out of the clouds.  It feels awesome to be part of such a great cause.

And the biggest contribution to our "success"?  My Support Krew!  From keeping me fed with bananas, turkey slices, cold pizza, gels, and apple slices...some of which were mixed or combined (hey, until you have had "Banana Pizza", don't knock it)...to the humor, the positive outlooks, and the passion for our success, the Krew was more than could ever be asked for.  Thank you to all - Jandy, Ken, Jim, Dawn, Jenny, Todd, Celine, and "Bug"!  And to Julie, Alec and Brady, you guys are all-stars for enduring everything from the beginning to the end!  And a special thank you to Gary and Shelli!  We all appreciated you being with us and especially appreciate you letting us be part of your family!  Are you all ready for next year?  Smile!

Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Pedal Hard!


1 comment:

  1. A shout out to Mom & Dad, too! Without their back home support (dogsitting and kid chaffeuring), the Support Krew would have had a much harder time getting iut there. Thanks, Mom & Dad (Jerry & Rosie Hartman)!
