It's been a week since the LT100 Mtn Bike Race and things are settling down. I returned to work and jumped right into a busy schedule.
So, this week included zero riding time. Took my bike to the shop and had fun setting it up for "display" with my jersey, finishers' medal, dirty shoes, and the race poster we presented to R&M Cyclery. Alec brought everything home on Saturday and now we will being the clean-up, tune-up, and some possible upgrades over the next week or so before I get back to training and preparation for the next challenge of Kailey's Krew Pedal of Hope. Endurance length races seem to be far and few between and every one I find is closed for new registration...but I'll keep searching and see what I can find. Stay tuned for our next challenge!
So, was on our way to a movie last night when we noticed this truck with bikes and gear in the back and "Freedom 50/50" logo's on the side and rear. As we sat at the stop-light, we used our smart-phones to check out their website in order to find out what they were doing. Low-and-behold, a gentleman by the name of Max McManus is doing a very incredible ride. He is riding a route that will put him in all 50 states in 50 days. The fruits of his efforts are to go towards "The 9-11 HelpAmerica Foundation".
Hmm, so there's this guy doing 50 states in 50 days. How can I help? Well, I called Max and after a nice conversation, I told him I'd join him on his ride today (Sunday)...and I did. We met at their hotel in Springfield, met his support crew, and headed out to ride. I was on my mountain bike (dirty and gritty still from Leadville) and Max was on his Trek Madone. Yup, even though I was trying to crank up the pace as we rolled oout of Springfield, it was obvious I was holding Max back from his normal pace. I rode with him for about 30 minutes and then we had a parting conversation and he put his head down and disappeared into the fresh morning breeze along "Old Route 54". His first pit-stop will be in Pittsfield, IL for food and drink before he pushes off to his overnight destination in Missouri. Max is doing an incredible ride for a great cause! If you get a chance, go to and follow his ride. We wish you safe travels and best of luck, Max! God Bless!
On a different topic, I did a little shopping yesterday. Found a new belt for my LT100 buckle. Woo-hoo, looks pretty cool! Now I need to buy a pair of jeans that I can wear with the belt and buckle...looks pretty silly on the outside of my cycling shorts! Ha-Ha! Sorry, no pix of such a disturbing image!
Hope all are doing great and watch for additional updates...
Saddle Up, Dig Deep, and Ride Hard! (Hey, quick note about the Krew in Leadville...what a crazy bunch! So, not to be out-done by anyone, they created cheers and dances. The finish-line cheer was awesome, "He Saddled Up, Dug Deep, and Rode Hard!" Thanks Krew!)
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